Louisville EFC:
A Sponsor of Good News Club!
Louisville EFC is excited about sponsoring our local Louisville Elementary Good News Club! GNCs are fun Bible clubs that meet weekly during the school year at the school. Each club session features snacks and prizes, games, songs, prayer, Bible lessons and memory verse activities. Your child will learn moral values, respect for authority, character qualities and general biblical principles.
The clubs last 75 to 90 minutes and are led by a team of trained teenage and adult workers who care about the spiritual needs of children. Most clubs are held in public school buildings right after the dismissal. But clubs can also be held in homes or at mobile home parks, churches and other locations. Good News Clubs are great! |
Louisville Elementary GNC Info:
How do we sign up?
Every child who attends Good News Club must have a permission form signed by their parents. If a family has multiple children attending, each child must have a separate permission form. You can download the form here. If you have any questions, please use our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Just download the form (or pick one up at the school office) or have one emailed to you, fill it out and have your child bring the form to club. There are no costs or charges involved in a Good News Club. It's free and always will be! |
What if I go to a different Church?
A. Even though Louisville EFC is sponsoring the club, Good News Clubs are non-denominational. Every child, regardless of Church or religious background, is able to come. Those teaching the Good News Clubs teach only basic Bible content without emphasizing denominational differences. The CEF Statement of Faith can be found here. Please do ask about our beliefs if you have any questions.
Does GNC cost anything this year?
A. GNC is free and always will be!
How will children get to club?
A. We will have a group of GNC volunteers at the door of the school at 3:30 pm. These teenage and adult volunteers will leave for 304 Main Street at 3:40 pm. Two more volunteers will stay at the school until 3:45 pm to catch any children who might be late.
Who is able to come to club?
A. Anyone who attends Louisville Elementary School (or elementary aged children) and their parents regardless of religious background or belief.
We have opted for remote learning / homeschooling, can my child(ren) come?
A. Definitely! All elementary-aged children are welcome to come.
Do I need to register my child for club?
A. Yes, every child who attends club will need a signed permission slip from their parent or guardian. Download a permission form from One child per form.
My child came last year, do they need a new permission form?
A. Yes, every year CEF requires a new permission form. You can download the current permission form from above.
How can I be involved?
Parents are welcome to bring snacks, attend club or be a part of the team that runs the Good News Club. If you are wanting to be part of the GNC team, there is a CEF screening process if you are over 18 years old. Contact us to find out more information.
If you would like to bring snacks, also contact us and let us know how often you would like to sign up. There is a list of foods we cannot use at a Good News Club due to allergy and other food sensitivity issues. Make sure to ask the GNC team before sending in snacks for the group. If you have any more questions, please call/text Joy @ 402.281.TwoEightTwoEight or email her at [email protected]. |